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Why everyone is not rich ?

I can draw a cartoon/picture and I can get 10 dollars, superb !!

then I need to draw only 10000 such pictures/cartoons to get lots of money. tell me… If this is that easy then everybody could have earned a lot, but this is not happening, why? why so?!









first question is who will give you the order of drawing 10000 pictures ?

Others also can draw good pictures then why should you only get the orders?

why everyone is not rich? .. Because everyone want to be rich but very few want to be ‘get excellence in skills’.

Time to know the answer - So, to be the rich, you need excellence in your skills. If you are ‘doctor’ then be the best doctor, If you are ‘janitor‘ then be the best janitor. It’s all about being best in your field, that’s it.

Remember when you try to get excellence in skills, ethical values and meditation are by products.

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